Facebook vieta l’utilizzo dei suoi dati per scopi di sorveglianza. Gli strumenti di hacking della CIA su Wikileaks. Streetview trova il camion pirata. Bot psicologi su Reddit. Queste e molte altre le notizie commentate nella puntata di questa settimana.
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Dallo studio distribuito di Digitalia
- Modena, camion pirata incastrato da Google Street View
- Echo può essere utile in un caso di omicidio?
- Conto Corrente, App, Piattaforma per le tue finanze
- Three challenges for the web, according to its inventor
- The empathy layer
- Adidas is working on digital fitness products that are more 'open'
- The Levi's Commuter smart jacket has a ton of promise
- When Should the Government Disclose "Stockpiled" Vulnerabilities?
- Airbus Swears Its Pod/Car/Drone Is a Serious Idea Definitely
- Chowbotics - Robots for restaurants
- Uber: An update on “greyballing”
- Google says it fixed a lot of the security holes the CIA exploited
- FBI Would Rather Drop a Child Porn Case Than Give Up an Exploit
- Apple says many exploits revealed in CIA leak already patched
- Kevin Mitnick on Twitter about russian hackers
- WikiLeaks publishes 'biggest ever leak of secret CIA documents'