Il lanciafiamme di Elon Musk, Alexa perde la voce, Google Home non conosce Gesù, il Jackpotting e il Faceswapping. Queste e molte altre le notizie commentate nella puntata di questa settimana.
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Dallo studio distribuito di Digitalia
- ATM 'jackpotting' hacks reach the US
- Elon Musk’s Boring Co. flamethrower is real, $500 and up for pre-order
- Alexa Loses Her Voice In New Super Bowl Ad Starring Jeff Bezos
- Did Alexa Lose Her Voice? - Teaser - Amazon Super Bowl Commercial
- First ‘Jackpotting’ Attacks Hit U.S. ATMs
- Flamethrower
- Google Home couldn't tell users who Jesus Christ is
- Apple health data used in murder trial
- Artificial intelligence is going to supercharge surveillance
- Assange Keeps Warning Of A.I. Censorship
- AI-powered face swapping has taken a dystopian turn
- A closer look at Apple's new HomePod
- Google's $249 AI-powered Clips camera is finally on sale
- Antiproibizionismo e Pedagogia Hacker
- Researchers create 'true' 3D holograms by trapping particles
- Burger King on Net Neutrality
- AI's intelligence and stupidity in one photo stitch fail
- HomePod's Multi-Room Audio and Stereo Not Available at Launch