Un ultimo saluto a Stan Lee. Omicidio su Alexa. I satanisti contro Netflix. La IA che parcheggia. Facebook e le elezioni del senato USA. Dating online e relative spese. Queste e molte altre le notizie commentate nella puntata di questa settimana.
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Dallo studio distribuito di Digitalia
- Morto Stan Lee, inventò Spider-Man e tutti i supereroi con superproblemi
- Police: Woman remotely wipes phone in evidence after shooting
- Judge tells Amazon to provide Echo recordings in double homicide trial
- Dyson might design an air purifier that also works as headphones
- Tesla’s ‘Bioweapon Defense Mode’ is proving invaluable in CA wildfires
- Why Did Facebook Fire a Top Executive?
- China’s state-run press agency has created an ‘AI anchor’
- These Animated AI Bots Learned to Dress Themselves, Awkwardly
- Disney+ streaming service will launch in late 2019
- Satanists are suing Netflix over ‘The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’
- Sundar Pichai of Google: ‘Technology Doesn’t Solve Humanity’s Problems’
- Tinder & Co. Gli italiani investono 15 miliardi di euro negli appuntamenti
- Facebook Thwarted Chaos on Election Day. It’s Hardly Clear That Will Last.
- Watch an AI Modeled After a Worm's Brain Park a Tiny Car Like a Pro
- Zuckerberg rebuffs request to appear before UK parliament
- L'IA che prevede un'intossicazione alimentare
- Chinese ‘gait recognition’ tech IDs people by how they walk
- Una “Magna Carta per il Web” per rendere Internet utile all’umanità