Logic Borg
Carabinieri col telefonino. La lotta ai vigliacchi sul web. Spegnere incendi con i droni. Microsoft supera Apple. Twitter proibisce il deadnaming. Queste e molte altre le notizie commentate nella puntata di questa settimana.
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Dallo studio distribuito di Digitalia
- Microsoft Is Worth as Much as Apple. How Did That Happen?
- Nazario Pagano on Twitter - Basta con i vigliacchi sul web!
- «Carabinieri in servizio col telefonino»: la foto è virale.
- Here's How Drones Could Help With California's Wildfire Problems
- Watch a Tesla Model S drive (or swim) through a flooded tunnel [Video]
- Apple Music Coming to Amazon Echo Devices
- Edward Snowden: British gov wants to add itself to conversations
- Fearful of bias, Google blocks gender-based pronouns from new AI tool
- Twitter has banned misgendering or ‘deadnaming’ transgender people
- Elon Musk promises system to link human brains with AI computers