Uber nell’occhio del ciclone. Novità su Tesla Model 3. Pedoni contro auto autonome. Le major di Hollywood contro Netflix. 30 milioni non bastano per Nintendo. Queste e molte altre le notizie commentate nella puntata di questa settimana.
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Dallo studio distribuito di Digitalia
- Satispay - Account FRANCOSOL
- Guida autonoma? Solo per alcune città. Ecco perché
- Netflix: The Monster That’s Eating Hollywood
- Il Garante diffida la Tre e Wind
- For ads, algorithms can lead to unexpected exposure on sites spewing hate
- YouTube’s ad mess gives advertisers leverage for what they really want
- Uber grounds entire self-driving fleet as it probes Arizona crash
- Elon Musk shares new Tesla Model 3 details
- How Pedestrians Will Defeat Autonomous Vehicles
- Super Mario Run Revenue ‘Did Not Meet Our Expectations’
- Senate agrees to let carriers use your data however they want
- Uber CEO linked to escort bar visit that resulted in an HR complaint
- Tesla Model 3 'release candidate' drives off the lot
- Operatori turistici contro piattaforme online
- Dropbox Update for Mac